Legiit Rating is a way for our buyers to evaluate the quality of our sellers.
The higher the rating the more reliable the seller.
It is calculated using a complicated 40+ variable formula that is proprietary.
However, if you are a seller that wants to improve their rating, you can:
- Sell more stuff
- Do a good job and get good reviews
- And communicate in a timely fashion
The more consistently you do that the more your score will improve.
Visit this link here on the variety of ways to land more sales on Legiit : https://legiit.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/36000255969-how-to-get-more-orders-on-legiit
For questions, please contact help@legiit.com or open a support ticket at this link here: https://legiit.freshdesk.com/support/tickets/new
Thank you for using Legiit to get more stuff done!
Don't forget to ask about the different ways you can advertise your services on Legiit!
Explore our options and rates here: https://advertise.legiit.com/advertising-rates/