One of the amazing tools that you can enjoy in using our Legiit Dashboard is our Rank Tracker.  It is an important part of SEO because it tells you how visible your website is using the keywords that you are trying to optimize. 

If you can monitor your keyword rank constantly, you will know what to work on to keep on improving your website visibility.

Let's get started and learn how easy it is to use the Rank Tracker on our Legiit Dashboard!

1. On the top bar menu, please click on Online Visibility.

2. Click the Add Keyword button, and in the keyword field, you will get keyword recommendations, or you may also type in the keyword that you are trying to rank for manually. Please don't forget to select the appropriate location. If your business has an international reach, you can also add keywords by different countries as well. 

3. The results will show you how well you are ranking with your keyword in that location. The search volume for the keyword that you used will also appear.

4.  The W/M Change column shows the change in your ranking for the Week/Month. It would reflect if your ranking went down or up for the past week or month. For this example, no changes are showing yet because the rank tracking is just new. 

5.  If you want to delete a keyword and start tracking a different one, you may simply click on the "trash" icon under the Action column.

Please note that after the 7-day free trial, the Rank Tracker feature of the dashboard will no longer be available. 

If you want to keep this feature, you can subscribe for as low as $7 a month, or you may also visit this page for other package plans available:

For a full video walkthrough on how to add a keyword to your rank tracker, click on the video below!

For help or questions, please contact or open a support ticket at this link here:

Thank you for using Legiit to get more stuff done!