Seller Training

Legiit Search | How Can I Make my Service Appear on Legiit Search?
Legiit search is very specific. If you want it to show up for specific terms, you will need to optimize your sales page to provide our customers the most va...
Fri, 26 Apr, 2024 at 4:15 PM
How to Get Orders on Freelance Marketplaces
Freelancing has become an attractive option for many professionals seeking freedom and independence in their work. However, starting a freelance busine...
Wed, 13 Dec, 2023 at 5:40 PM
Legiit | Promote Keywords in Search Bar
Expand your reach to even more customers by advertising in the Legiit search! Any keyword variation, only $5 for a limited time! Simply go to your serv...
Tue, 7 May, 2024 at 1:07 AM
Legiit | Instant Services On Legiit
We're happy to introduce Instant Services on Legiit! If you have a service that has the same delivery file for all the orders that you will receive, it...
Fri, 5 Jul, 2024 at 5:46 PM